Jun 14

When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort, not an excuse.

This quote emphasizes that genuine care is demonstrated through consistent effort, not through excuses or empty promises. It underscores the importance of actions over words, showing that true concern for someone involves active participation and dedication, rather than mere verbal assurances or rationalizations for lack of effort.

When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort, not an excuse.

जब कोई सचमुच आपकी परवाह करता है, तो वह कोई बहाना नहीं, बल्कि प्रयास करता है।

When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort, not an excuse.

when someone truly cares about you they make an effort not an excuse

when someone truly cares about you they make an effort

when someone really cares about you they make an effort not anexcuse

how do you know when someone genuinely cares about you

does anyone truly care about me

how can you tell when someone truly loves you

what does it mean to truly care about someone

when someone truly cares about you

when you truly care for someone their mistakes never

when someone truly cares about you they make an effort

When someone genuinely cares about you, their actions consistently reflect their commitment and concern for your well-being. Their effort is evident in how they prioritize you, support you, and strive to make a positive difference in your life, showing that their care is sincere and meaningful.
