Whenever you feel sad play with a kid That smile will heal all your pain.
Someone who makes you feel better when you're sad is important.
My age no longer allows me to suffer for love, so if you see me sad. It is because of money.
Be with someone who can make you laugh, when the whole world tries to make you sad.
Never reply when you are angry. Never make a promise when you are happy. Never make a decision, when you are sad.
Hide your sadness Because no one cares.
I am strong because I've been weak.
I am beautiful because
I know my flaws.
I am fearless because I have been afraid.
I am wise because I have been foolish.
I can laugh because I've known sadness.
Never let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.
Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some happy, and some exciting. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds.
Be with someone who can make you laugh, when the whole world tries to make you sad.
Sometimes it takes sad ness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value pressence.
It's sad when the people who gave you the best memories, become a memory.
Where should I start when I feel really sad?
Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire.
It's time to just be happy. Being angry, sad and overthinking isn't worth it anymore. Just let things flow. Be positive.
"Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should and let go of what you can. Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you’re sad. Love what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change and things go wrong, but always remember, life goes on."
No school in the Sikh world can give the experience and learning that one gets in trouble and sorrow.!!
In your life, never promise anyone in happiness, never answer in anger and never take a decision in sadness.
That I am not fond of walking on easy paths, I know how to fight with challenges. How will these storms, calamities, sorrows and pains harm me, I have a relationship with them for years.
The company of the family is very important, if there is happiness, it increases and if there is sorrow, it gets divided.
Don't blame the world for your pain but explain your mind because the change of your mind is the end of your sorrows.
🌺 good morning messages 🌺
if you succeed want to be so inside you Identify talent.
life is a game if you play it like If you play, you can win.
but if the viewer just clap if you see can play or be sad You can but you can't win.
Smiling face does not mean that there is absence of sorrows in their life, but they have the ability to handle situations.
The company of loved ones is very important, if there is happiness then it increases and if there is sorrow then it gets divided.
If you also feel sad seeing others sad, then understand that God has not done any mistake by making you a human.
परेशानी और दुःख में जो अनुभव और सिख मिलती है वह सिख दुनियां का कोई भी स्कूल नहीं दे सकता.!!
अपने जीवन में कभी भी ना किसी को आनंद में वचन दे, ना क्रोध में उत्तर दे और ना ही दुख में कभी निर्णय ले।
कि आसान रास्तों पर चलने का शौक नहीं, मुझे चुनौतियों से लड़ना बखूभी आता है। ये आंधी तूफान विपदा दुख: दर्द क्या बिगाड़ेगे मेरा, इनसे तो मेरा वर्षों वर्षों का नाता हैं।
परिवार का साथ बहुत ही आवश्यक है सुख हो तो बढ़ जाता है तथा दुःख हो तो बंट जाता है।
अपनी पीड़ा के लिए संसार को दोष मत दो बल्कि अपने मन को समझाओ क्योंकि तुम्हारे मन का परिवर्तन ही तुम्हारे दुखों का अंत हैं।
🌺 सुप्रभात संदेश 🌺
अगर आप सफल
होना चाहते है,
तो अपने अंदर की
प्रतिभा को पहचानिए।
ज़िंदगी एक खेल है यदि
आप इसे खिलाड़ी की तरह
खेलते हो तो जीत सकते हो।
लेकिन यदि दर्शक की तरह
देखते हो तो सिर्फ ताली
बजा सकते हो या दुःखी हो
सकते हो पर जीत नहीं सकते।
हंसते हुए चेहरे का अर्थ ये नहीं होता की इनके जीवन में दुःखों की गैर हाजिरी है, बल्कि इनके अंदर परिस्थितियों को संभालने की क्षमता है।
अपनों का साथ बहुत आवश्यक है, सुख है तो बढ़ जाता है और दुःख है तो बँट जाता है|
अगर दुसरों को दुखी देखकर तुम्हे भी दुःख होता है तो, समझ लो की उपर वाले ने तुम्हे इंसान बनाकर कोई गलती नहीं की है........