"Forget those who forget you" means to move on from people who don't value or remember you. It suggests focusing your time and energy on those who care about you, rather than wasting it on people who do not reciprocate your feelings or acknowledge your presence in their lives.
Forget those who forget you
जो आपको भुल गये हे आप उसे भुल जाओ

Forget those who forget you Similar Quotes
Here are some similar quotes to "Forget those who forget you":
1. "Don't waste your time on people who don't care about you."
2. "Let go of those who aren't holding on to you."
3. "Stop chasing the wrong people and let the right ones find you."
4. "Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option."
5. "Value those who value you."
6. "Surround yourself with those who see your worth."
7. "Life is too short to waste on people who don't respect or appreciate you."
8. "Focus on those who make time for you, not those who make excuses."
9. "Love yourself enough to walk away from those who don't love you back."
10. "Don't let your loyalty become slavery."
forget those who forget you
forget those who forget you quotes
forget those who forget you meaning in hindi
forget those who forget you in arabic
forget those who forget you meaning
You Forgot It in People
Studio album by Broken Social Scene
forget them who forget you
forget those who forgot you
forget the ones who forget you
forget who forget you
Forget those who forget you meaning in #Hindi
"जो आपको भूल गए हैं, उन्हें भूल जाओ" का मतलब है उन लोगों को भूल जाना जो आपकी कदर नहीं करते या आपको याद नहीं रखते। यह सुझाव देता है कि अपने समय और ऊर्जा को उन लोगों पर खर्च करें जो आपकी परवाह करते हैं और आपकी उपस्थिति को महत्व देते हैं।
Forget those who forget you meaning in #Marathi
"जे तुम्हाला विसरतात त्यांना विसरून जा" याचा अर्थ असा आहे की जे लोक तुमची कदर करत नाहीत किंवा तुम्हाला लक्षात ठेवत नाहीत त्यांना विसरावे. हे सुचवते की तुमचा वेळ आणि ऊर्जा त्यांच्यावर खर्च करा जे तुमची काळजी घेतात आणि तुमच्या उपस्थितीला महत्त्व देतात.
Forget those who forget you meaning in #Arabic
"انسَ من ينسونك" تعني أن تمضي قدمًا بعيدًا عن الأشخاص الذين لا يقدرونك أو يتذكرونك. تقترح التركيز على وقتك وطاقتك على من يهتمون بك بدلاً من إهدارها على من لا يبادلونك نفس الشعور أو لا يعترفون بوجودك في حياتهم.