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If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path.

"If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path." This quote emphasizes the reciprocal nature of kindness and generosity. When you help others, you not only illuminate their lives but also bring light into your own, fostering mutual growth and happiness.

If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path.

If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path Similar Quotes

If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path.

Here are some similar quotes that capture the essence of kindness and mutual benefit:

1. "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle." – James Keller

2. "Happiness never decreases by being shared." – Buddha

3. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." – Mahatma Gandhi

4. "We rise by lifting others." – Robert Ingersoll

5. "The more one gives, the more one receives." – Lao Tzu

6. "Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person." – Anonymous

7. "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." – Mark Twain

8. "To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own." – Abraham Lincoln

9. "When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves." – William Arthur Ward

10. "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." – Aesop

If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning

The phrase "If you light a lamp for someone, it will also brighten your path" means that acts of kindness and generosity have reciprocal benefits. When you help or support others, you not only improve their lives but also enhance your own well-being and happiness. This quote emphasizes the interconnectedness of human experiences and suggests that by doing good for others, you create a positive and supportive environment for yourself as well. It highlights the idea that selflessness ultimately leads to personal fulfillment and mutual upliftment.

If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning in #Hindi

यदि आप किसी के लिए एक दीपक जलाते हैं, तो यह आपके मार्ग को भी प्रकाशित करेगा। इस उक्ति का अर्थ है कि दया और उदारता के कार्यों का फल दोहरा होता है। जब आप किसी की सहायता करते हैं, तो आप उनके जीवन को ही नहीं सुधारते हैं, बल्कि अपने अपने कृत्य से अपने मार्ग को भी प्रकाशित करते हैं। यह उद्धारण मानव अनुभवों की अन्तर्संबंधिता को जोर देता है और सुझाव देता है कि दूसरों के लिए अच्छा करके आप खुद को भी सुखमय और खुशहाल बनाते हैं।

If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning in #Nepali

यदि तपाईं कसैको लागि पेटिको बत्ती जलाउनुहुन्छ, भने तपाईंको रास्ता पनि उज्ज्वल हुनेछ। यो उद्धारण दयालुता र सहयोगको कामलाई दोहोरो लाभ दिन्छ। जब तपाईं अरुलाई सहयोग गर्नुहुन्छ, तपाईंले मात्रै तिनीहरूको जीवनलाई सुधार्दैनुहुन्छ, तर आफ्नो राम्रोबाट आफ्नो भन्दा थुप्रै उत्तम बनाउँछिन्। यो उधारण मानव अनुभवको साझा स्वार्थ र सम्बन्धको अवलोकन गर्दछ।

If you light a lamp for someone, it will also brighten your path meaning in #Marathi

कधीतरी तुम्ही कोणाला एक दिवा जाळवत असेल, तर तुमचा मार्ग सुद्धा उजळत जायला लागेल. या उधारणाचा अर्थ आहे की दयाळूता आणि सामर्थ्यात तुमचा वापर दोन्ही आत्मवृद्धीसाठी अत्यंत महत्वाचा आहे.

If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning in #Tamil

நீங்கள் யாரால் ஒரு விளக்கு ஏற்படுத்துகின்றதைப் பொருள் நிறைய விளக்கும். இந்த மொழிக்கே அர்த்தம் அற்புதமாகும்.

If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning in #Chinese


If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path.
If you light a Lamp for somebody, It will also Brighten your Path.
if you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning
if you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path
if you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your path meaning in hindi
if you light a lantern for others it will also brighten your way
if you light a lamp for someone else it will brighten your path
if you light a lamp for someone else meaning
if you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path meaning
if you light a lamp for someone else quotes


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