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Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

Writer: ELAELA

"Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth." is a humorous reminder to embrace joy and positivity while you can. It underscores the fleeting nature of life and encourages making the most of the present moment. The reference to "teeth" is a playful nod to aging, suggesting that one should find reasons to smile and appreciate life's pleasures before it's too late. Essentially, it advocates for living life with a light-hearted and grateful attitude.

 "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth." – #Mallory_Hopkins

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth Similar Quotes

Here are some similar quotes that emphasize enjoying life and living in the moment:

1. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." — Dr. Seuss

2. "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." — Robert Brault

3. "Life is too short to be anything but happy." — Anonymous

4. "Life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes." — Anonymous

5. "Life is short, and it's up to you to make it sweet." — Sarah Louise Delany

6. "Take time to do what makes your soul happy." — Anonymous

7. "Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile." — Mark Twain

8. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." — Abraham Lincoln

9. "Live every moment, laugh every day, love beyond words." — Anonymous

10. "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West

These quotes highlight the importance of embracing joy, appreciating the present, and making the most of our limited time.

life is short smile while you still have teeth
life is short smile while you still have teeth in hindi
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life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning
life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in urdu
life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in marathi
life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in tamil
life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in telugu
life is short smile while you still have teeth quote
Life is short smile while you still have teeth in #Hindi

"ज़िंदगी छोटी है। जब तक दांत हैं, मुस्कुराते रहो।" का अर्थ है कि जीवन क्षणभंगुर है, इसलिए जब तक संभव हो खुश रहना चाहिए। यह कथन जीवन के संक्षिप्त होने की याद दिलाता है और वर्तमान क्षण का पूरा आनंद लेने की सलाह देता है। दांतों का संदर्भ एक मजाकिया तरीके से बुढ़ापे की ओर इशारा करता है, suggesting कि हमें खुश रहना चाहिए और जीवन की खुशियों की सराहना करनी चाहिए, इससे पहले कि समय निकल जाए।

Life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in #Marathi

"जीवन कमी आहे. दात आहेत तोपर्यंत हसा." याचा अर्थ असा आहे की जीवन क्षणभंगुर आहे, त्यामुळे शक्य असेपर्यंत आनंदी राहा. हे वाक्य जीवनाच्या संक्षिप्ततेची आठवण करून देतो आणि वर्तमान क्षणाचा पूर्ण आनंद घेण्याचा सल्ला देतो. दातांचा उल्लेख विनोदी पद्धतीने वृद्धत्वाकडे निर्देश करतो, सुचवतो की आपण हसत राहावे आणि जीवनातील आनंदाचे क्षण उपभोगावे, तोवर वेळ संपलेला नाही.

Life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in #Tamil

"வாழ்க்கை குறுகியது. பல்லுள்ள நேரத்தில் புன்னகையிடு." என்றதன் அர்த்தம், வாழ்க்கை தற்காலிகமானது என்பதால், எந்த நேரமும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருங்கள் என்பதைக் குறிக்கிறது. இது வாழ்க்கையின் சுருக்கத்தை நினைவுறுத்தி, இப்போது இருக்கிற தருணத்தை முழுமையாக அனுபவிக்கச் சொல்லுகிறது. பற்கள் குறித்த குறிப்பிடுவது வயதைக் குறிப்பிடும் நகைச்சுவையான முறை, நேரம் முடிவதற்கு முன் நமது வாழ்க்கையின் மகிழ்ச்சிகளைப் பொறுத்துக் கொண்டாட வேண்டும் என்பதைக் கூறுகிறது.

Life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in #Telugu

"జీవితం చిన్నది. పళ్ళు ఉన్నప్పుడు నవ్వు." అంటే జీవిత కాలం తాత్కాలికం అని, అందువల్ల సాధ్యమైనంత వరకు ఆనందంగా ఉండాలని సూచిస్తుంది. ఇది జీవితపు సన్నిహితతను గుర్తు చేస్తుంది మరియు ప్రస్తుతం ఉన్న క్షణాన్ని పూర్తిగా ఆస్వాదించమని సలహా ఇస్తుంది. పళ్ళు అనే ఉల్లేఖనం వయస్సు పెరుగుతుందని హాస్యంగా సూచిస్తూ, సమయం ముగియక ముందే మన జీవితంలోని ఆనందాలను ఆస్వాదించమని సూచిస్తుంది.

Life is short smile while you still have teeth meaning in #Urdu

"زندگی مختصر ہے۔ جب تک دانت سلامت ہیں، مسکراؤ۔" کا مطلب ہے کہ زندگی عارضی ہے، اس لیے جب تک ممکن ہو خوش رہنا چاہیے۔ یہ جملہ زندگی کی مختصری کی یاد دلاتا ہے اور موجودہ لمحے کا مکمل لطف اٹھانے کا مشورہ دیتا ہے۔ دانتوں کا ذکر مزاحیہ انداز میں بڑھاپے کی طرف اشارہ کرتا ہے، یعنی وقت گزرنے سے پہلے ہمیں مسکرانا اور زندگی کی خوشیوں کی قدر کرنی چاہیے۔



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